The impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the entertainment industry has been nothing short of cataclysmic, from cancelled events, festivals, and carnivals to closed nightclubs and studios. Repercussions are being felt at every level of the entertainment industry with creators bearing the brunt of it. Having undertaken an Impact Assessment, the Board and Executive of the Copyright Music Organisation of Trinidad and Tobago (COTT) held a special sitting, where the decision was taken to provide members with a care package, aimed at providing some measure of assistance during this difficult time. The initiative will cost a little over three million dollars ($3,000,000.00) and is set to be dispensed by Friday May 15, 2020.
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Mr. Arnold noted that, “it goes without saying, we share the burden of the impact that this pandemic has had on our members. Therefore, we felt it necessary to do as much as we could to offer some measure of relief”
He then went on to emphasize the importance of ensuring that there are adequate efforts in place to assist creators during this time, as well as a plan to ensure that the sector recovers in the long-term, stating “We hope that this inspires other organisations to lend their support to an industry that has given us so much as a society”
Members are advised that additional information will be forthcoming subsequently and are encouraged to contact membership@cott.org.tt for any questions that they may have.